An extract from DP World’s Economic Impact – Australia observed an appreciable increase in its exports and imports in 2022. In October 2022, total imports in Australia grew year-on-year by 46%, while imports grew by around 36%.1 . Click below to see extract.
Click here to read the Australia Findings
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has introduced a new Certificate of Competency and accompanying eligibility criteria for Coxswain Grade 3; this will be the lowest grade of commercial vessel qualification available for the skipper of a domestic commercial vessel (DCV). This includes all workboats, marina tenders and similar vessels operating in the boating industry where the vessel is less than 12m.
© The Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Click here to view the GuidelinesThe Boating Industry Association Ltd (BIA) has released its 2022 Member Report Card, a statistical summary of priority activities undertaken on behalf of members over the past 12 months.
Click here to see reportProvides a guide for yacht owners and representatives who are using or planning to use the ICOMIA Superyacht Refit Contract.
©The International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA)
ICOMIA Refit Contract GuideThe Sport Volunteer Coalition Action Plan, developed by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and a team of experts, outlines a new approach that will foster positive, safe and fulfilling experiences for sport volunteers.
© Australian Sailing
Click here to view planAustralian Sailing’s Participation and Membership Plan, a roadmap for clubs and classes to achieve participation and membership growth, including the steps and actions for implementing each goal and project.
Click here to view plan© State of New South Wales through Department of Planning and Environment 2022.
Crown land 2031 is the state strategic plan for Crown land for the next decade. It sets the vision, priorities, outcomes and overarching strategy for managing Crown land in NSW.
Click to view plan(C) Marina Industries Association – FACT SHEET PART 2 – the Health of the Australian Marina Industry Survey (HAMIS) was commissioned by the Marina Industries Association (MIA) and conducted by the Recreational Marine Research Centre, Michigan State University in the US. It is important to recognise the contributions of maritime planning and design experts, International Marine Consultants (IMC) for providing important funding to ensure the continuation of the research. The survey will be conducted again in late 2023.
The survey can be purchased through the MIA website and is $750 for members, $1,549 non-members.
View summary part 3 here(C) Marina Industries Association – FACT SHEET PART 2 – the Health of the Australian Marina Industry Survey (HAMIS) was commissioned by the Marina Industries Association (MIA) and conducted by the Recreational Marine Research Centre, Michigan State University in the US. It is important to recognise the contributions of maritime planning and design experts, International Marine Consultants (IMC) for providing important funding to ensure the continuation of the research. The survey will be conducted again in late 2023.
The survey can be purchased through the MIA website and is $750 for members, $1,549 non-members.
View summary part 2 here(C) Marina Industries Association – FACT SHEET PART 1 – the Health of the Australian Marina Industry Survey (HAMIS) was commissioned by the Marina Industries Association (MIA) and conducted by the Recreational Marine Research Centre, Michigan State University in the US. It is important to recognise the contributions of maritime planning and design experts, International Marine Consultants (IMC) for providing important funding to ensure the continuation of the research. The survey will be conducted again in late 2023.
The survey can be purchased through the MIA website and is $750 for members, $1,549 non-members.
View Summary part 1 here