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Mercury Announces New Single-Engine Joystick Piloting Features

New Box Thruster Integration to Single-Engine Joystick Piloting

Mercury has announced the introduction of Joystick Piloting for Single-Engine Vessels with Thruster, further expanding its market-leading portfolio of joystick vessel controls.

Set to be available for installation in Q2 2025, this innovative system was unveiled today at the Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show in Miami Beach, Florida.

Compatible with the V12, V10, and V8 Verado outboards, the new system integrates a bow thruster for single-engine applications, offering precise control during slow-speed operations and docking manoeuvres.

By integrating the throttle, shift, steering and a compatible bow thruster into the joystick’s interface, this new system enables vessel control capabilities not possible on traditional single-engine applications, like 360-degree rotation of the vessel and sideways movements.

“Close-quarter manoeuvring with a single-engine vessel can be challenging, even for a skilled captain,” said Steve Andrasko, Vice President Category Management at Mercury Marine.

“With this new system, the boat operator can command steering, throttle and shifting of the outboard motor and simultaneously activate a variable-speed bow thruster, all with one hand through a single, intuitive joystick.

“The result is confident control of a single-engine vessel even when a boat-handling situation is complicated by wind or current.”

In addition to offering enhanced boat control, Mercury’s new Joystick Piloting system introduces advanced features such as Skyhook, Bowhook and Drifthook for boats powered by a single outboard engine.

Adding to the current list of compatible bow thrusters from Vetus® and Sleipner®, Mercury is also pleased to announce a partnership with Quick, further expanding the compatibility of its Joystick Piloting system. Quick’s range of bow thrusters will seamlessly integrate with Mercury’s single- and multi-engine systems, delivering even greater precision and control during slow-speed manoeuvres.

Quick offers a wide range of compatible bow thrusters that will integrate with Mercury’s single-engine and multi-engine Joystick Piloting portfolio, offering customers even more precision and control during slow speed operation.

Mercury will not be offering supply of compatible bow thrusters.

New Single-Engine Joystick Steering with position hold feature

Mercury is also implementing additional features to the Single Engine Joystick Steering applications with the software upgrade due for release later in Q2 2025. Single Engine Joystick Steering applications (without thruster) will have functionality providing position hold for single engine vessels.

Find out more about Mercury’s Joystick Piloting visit here.