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Marine Rescue Botany Port Hacking volunteers make swift rescue during Boating Regatta

Marine Rescue NSW volunteers sprang into action whilst taking part in Sunday’s Port Hacking Putters Regatta.

Marine Rescue Botany Port Hacking skipper Brad Whittaker was on board a classic vessel leading the flotilla when he noticed two kayakers struggling in the water off Lilli Pilli Point Reserve.

“The kayakers had capsized their craft and were finding it very difficult to get back into the tandem kayak due to the outgoing tide and gusty winds, so a rescue was initiated,” Mr Whittaker said.

A new inflatable Marine Rescue NSW state flood rescue and support asset, which was taking part in the regatta, was tasked with assisting the kayakers.

“Rescue vessel MR 13 immediately broke away from the flotilla to go to the aid of the two paddlers in the water off Lilli Pilli Point Reserve,” said Rod Harris, skipper of MR 13.

Volunteers from Marine Rescue Botany Port Hacking quickly reached the paddlers and took them safely on board MR 13.

“They were uninjured, and their kayak was secured before being towed back to shore,” Mr Harris said.

MR 13 is one of 16 new flood rescue and support vessels recently added to the Marine Rescue NSW fleet. Following recommendations from the 2022 NSW Flood Inquiry, Marine Rescue NSW received $3.748 million in State Government funding to build capacity and capability to support NSW SES and other agencies during major weather emergencies.

When Marine Rescue NSW flood rescue and support vessels are not tasked with weather emergencies, they are used to assist boaters and paddlers on local waterways across the state.

Marine Rescue NSW is a volunteer based not-for-profit professional organisation dedicated to keeping boaters safe on the water and supporting local communities.