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Call for MIA members with SuperYacht Facilities, Project Development and Operations experience

Call for MIA members with SuperYacht Facilities Project Development and Operations experience to contribute to an update of current international Guidelines

In MIA’s 2023 Financial Report, President and Chairman Andrew Chapman reported that 17 marinas are certified as SuperYacht Ready.

Mike Thackray

All members would be aware of the global growth in the SuperYacht fleet and the ongoing rapid shifts in design towards larger, more complex vessels with their demand for ever increasing power supply systems.  Their needs include significant requirements for safe berthing and ready access to water and fuel supply, sewage/sullage pumpout  and high quality re-victualling services particularly for visiting vessels on a short turnaround schedule.

As we approach the 2032 Brisbane Olympics and Paralympics, SuperYachts Australia CEO David Good predicts a boom in international SuperYacht visits before and during the Games and subsequent revisitation after they have experienced Australia’s fantastic cruising attractions.

This provides a major opportunity for Australian, New Zealand and Asian Pacific regional marinas with the potential to develop SuperYacht Ready facilities to accommodate the projected increase in visiting vessels.

What is the standard of facilities needed for a successful SuperYacht marina facility ?

At present the only readily available reference is PIANC’s 2013 “Design and Operational Guidelines for SuperYacht Facilities”. Whilst a range of designs has been successfully constructed by informed clients and their competent contractors typically using an empirical approach and customer feedback, there appears to be limited consensus on the fundamental requirements for SuperYacht facilities.

PIANC has recently established a new international Working Group 254 to review and update the 2013 Guidelines.

The Working Group’s Australasian representative, Mike Thackray of Yachtmarinas Australia Pty Ltd is seeking input from marina owners, operators, designers and builders in Australia, New Zealand and other MIA member countries with specific SuperYacht Facility project experience to identify the lessons learned from these projects and any recommendations for relevant design criteria.

To register interest, obtain a copy of the 2013 Design and Operational Guidelines for SuperYacht Facilities and the Terms of Reference for Working Group 254 please contact:

Mike Thackray – Managing Director YACHTMARINAS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD – email Mike at