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Post-holiday boating

The holidays are over and it’s time to pack up the toys and get back to work. If you love boating and spending time outdoors, the end of summer typically hits hard. The long sunny days are getting shorter and the memories of fun times on the water are drifting further away. For most people it’s time to knuckle down, return to work, and look forward to next summer.

Or is it? Maybe there’s another way? Sure, autumn is just around the corner and the summer holidays are over, but that doesn’t mean you need to pack up the boat and stop enjoying yourself. In fact, late summer and autumn boating, after the holidays, is one of my favourite times of the year to hit the water and keep the dream alive. Let’s look at some ways and reasons why you should extend the boating season over the next few months.

Boating without crowds

If nothing else, you should be hitting the water to take advantage of less crowds. It’s possibly the quietest season on the water. The once-a-year holiday boater has packed up their vessel for another year and the waterways are generally very quiet. Less crowds provide greater flexibility in regard to launching your boat as well. There’s no need to reach the ramp at dawn to avoid crowds. Sleep in and enjoy a deserted ramp while the usual crowds are back at work or have packed up their boat until next summer.

It’s also a good time of year for new boaters. You can practice launching and retrieving your boat without the stress. Once you’re on the water, the same applies. You can practice driving your boat safely without too many others around.

Time to get away

Another good option for boating at this time of year is a trip away. Perhaps you could work over the traditional summer holiday period and save some annual leave for a sneaky trip up the coast or a more exotic trip to a dream boating destination.

Most coastal holiday towns are far quieter and also far cheaper. There’s ample accommodation to choose from at a reasonable price. And best of all, as described above, you don’t have the usual holiday crowds. You can explore some of the best coastal estuaries and rivers in often in solitude.

Another great option is to book a trip to a distant location and go boating elsewhere. You could fly interstate and hire a boat or even go fishing on a charter boat. Places like the Great Barrier Reef, The Kimberley, Tasmania, Cape York, Darwin and more all have boats for rent and are all beautiful locations. They’re also great spots during this time of year.

You could also try boating overseas. Fly to New Zealand and take advantage of the fantastic sailing and cruising opportunities around Auckland. Or for something more exotic, travel to the South Island and visit the giant lakes and spectacular scenery around Fiordland. It’s a simple trip and so close to Australia.

Conversely, if you live in New Zealand, why not jump on a plane and experience some of the Aussie boating destinations mentioned above. You could fly direct to Perth and get a connection to Broome and enjoy the spectacular Kimberley region by boat. And if you have never visited the Great Barrier Reef, now is the time to go!

Perfect weather

So far, we’ve looked at how great post-holiday boating can be. The crowds are gone from your local waterway and the same applies to coastal holiday towns and overseas destinations. Another great reason this time of year appeals to me is the weather. I really like boating and fishing in spring, but it is notoriously windy. Winter is great for boating and the crowds are gone, but again, the weather isn’t so great if you don’t like the cold. At the opposite extreme, summer boating can be too hot! Autumn, however, is just about perfect. The temperature has a slight chill, depending on your location and it’s excellent for most boating activities. It’s also typically the least windy and therefore the safest time throughout the year to go boating. Again, this varies depending on where you live. Here on the East Coast of Australia, the summer storms have wrapped up and the strong westerlies are a distant memory. The typical autumn morning is crisp and still… perfect for boating.

Grab a bargain

We’ve already covered the bargains you can grab when travelling with cheaper accommodation. Another great idea for anyone looking to buy a boat, accessories or fishing gear is to wait for this season. Shops sometimes use this season to clear stock ahead of a slower winter period. Or if you’re in the market for a second-hand boat, people often sell their boat upon returning from summer holidays and it’s a good time to buy the boat of your dreams.

Great fishing

If you’re a fisho, this ‘shoulder season’ can be productive. Although it can be tricky for newcomers as it can be unpredictable depending on where you’re fishing. This is because some of the summer species are on their way out and it’s still too early for winter species.

However, there is one big exception. Each year along Australia’s East Coast we experience the East Australian Current (EAC). You may remember this from Finding Nemo…The EAC usually starts in summer and is in full swing by the middle and end of the season. But it’s not until late summer and autumn that we experience the excellent fishing it carries. Every year we see fish migrate into offshore and inshore waters and this time of year is perfect. Offshore there are marlin and mahi mahi, while inshore the warm water brings an assortment of species. Baitfish are abundant – the whole coast is alive with fish.

Fun cruising

Even if you’re not into fishing, just cruising around the waterways is more enjoyable minus the crowds. If you’re new to sailing, it’s also a good time to get out and learn the ropes in a safe environment. Check out your local sailing club and ask what they offer a newcomer to sailing.

Get out there

As you can see, now is not the time to hang up the keys to your boat. This post-holiday season is one of my favourite times to hit the water, avoid the crowds and enjoy the boating lifestyle.

Maintenance check

Now might be a good time to thoroughly inspect your boat and trailer for any problems or urgent repairs that could be needed. If you used your boat a lot over summer, it’s highly likely it needs a service. Call your local outboard service centre and book it in. And don’t forget your trailer. I see too many broken down trailers and this is often because of bearing problems. Again, get it serviced and avoid a major problem. It’s also a good idea to go over your boat, give it a clean and spray any moving parts with a lubricant.

By Scott Thomas

The February-March issue of Nautilus Marine Magazine is out now.

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Nautilus Marine Magazine offers readers 100 pages of content to support their on-water lifestyle. Published every two months across Australia and New Zealand for an audience of Nautilus Marine Insurance customers, members of the marine industry and boating enthusiasts, our magazine features expert features, boat profiles, interviews with boating and sailing identities, fishing adventures, travel destinations, boating lifestyle content and dining. No matter what side of the boating spectrum you sit on, power or sail, Nautilus Marine Magazine is a must read.

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Nautilus Marine Insurance is a leading provider of insurance solutions for recreational vessels and marine business assets across Australia and New Zealand, protecting over 45,000 vessel owners and marine industry members. For over 19 years, Nautilus Marine Insurance has been a specialist supplier of insurance for pleasure craft and marine business assets and liability insurance. Nautilus Marine Insurance provide coverage for pleasure craft of all sizes, ranging from sailing dinghies and personal watercraft (PWCs) through to yachts, runabouts, and luxury motor yachts as well as commercially operated boats and marine businesses. Through its Industry Lines division, Nautilus Marine Insurance also specialises in providing tailored business insurance for clients servicing the recreational boating market including marina operators and owners, yacht clubs and boat clubs, boat dealerships and most marine trades including boat repairers and boat service providers. Thousands of professional insurance advisers and brokers choose to work with Nautilus Marine Insurance. These insurance experts trust the breadth of Nautilus Marine’s products and claims support to recommend our products and services to their clients. Nautilus Marine Insurance has a passionate team of over 90 staff and offices across Australia and New Zealand. Nautilus Marine Insurance is a business name of NM Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 34 100 633 038, AFSL 227186. It has binding authority from Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL) which allows it to enter into and arrange policies of insurance and handle and settle claims made under them. Visit to find out more.