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Liz Savage joins the Australian Sailing Board

Australian Sailing has secured Brisbane sailor and experienced business woman, Liz Savage, as an Appointed Director. Liz is an experienced Company Director with governance roles in ASX-listed, private & not-for-profit entities in travel, tourism, hospitality, workforce & sport. This builds on an executive career anchored in the aviation industry, including C-suite leadership roles at airlines easyJet and Virgin. Liz is passionate about developing organisations sustainably and the central role of people, culture, data & customer as drivers of high performance.

Just as important, Liz has been a keen sailor since young, has owned and campaigned multiple sportsboats and is a current member at RQYS. When not on the water, Liz trains in triathlon and recently completed her first full Ironman.

Australian Sailing President, Alistair Murray was thrilled with the appointment.

“We have made Liz’s appointment at the earliest opportunity. I have actually sailed a few regattas with Liz. She is an active sailor and has a very impressive resume, including being Chief Commercial Officer of Virgin Australia. Liz is a stand-out.”

For more information about Australian Sailing’s Board please visit the website here.