Boating enthusiasts throughout Western Australia will benefit from a boost in funding available in the upcoming round of the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS).

Palm Beach boat ramp
Applications are sought for round 29 of the RBFS, with up to $2.2 million in funding available for public boating facility improvements and new projects, including $1.5 million in annual State Government funding and an additional $700,000 from the Commonwealth Government.
Implemented in 1998 to improve public recreational boating facilities, to date the scheme has seen 471 projects allocated approximately $52.1 million over 28 grant rounds.
Recreational boating owners are now being urged to discuss ideas for new and improved facilities with local managers. Eligible authorities, including local governments, Government agencies and statutory authorities with responsibility for managing public facilities used for boating have until 13 September 2024 to apply for funding.
Funds are available for the planning, construction or upgrade of boat launching ramps, jetties, moorings, breakwaters and new channels directly related to a public recreational boating facility. Land based infrastructure at public boating facilities, such as trailer parking areas, toilets and boating signage are also eligible.
Up to 75 per cent of the cost of a project is available, with the maximum grant set at $750,000. Application forms and more information are available at
Minister Assisting the Transport Minister David Michael said “Boat owners directly contribute to the upgrade of the facilities they use through the RBFS as the scheme’s State funding is totally sourced from boat registration fees.
“The Department of Transport’s excellent management of the scheme over more than 25 years has seen new and improved infrastructure projects completed, assisting in the provision of safe and well-located boating facilities for use by the State’s 100,000 strong recreational fleet.
“Boating is a favourite pastime for many Western Australians and with the continued support of local managers, the RBFS will help ensure demand for new and improved facilities is met.”