Have your say on the that will inform the NSW MidCoast Council’s boating facilities until 2035.

Pampoolah Reserve Jetty
MidCoast Council’s draft Recreational Boating Infrastructure Plan is on public exhibition from Thursday 28 March until Sunday 5 May.
The Recreational Boating Infrastructure Plan lists 95 recreational boating facilities in our area that Council is responsible for, including their condition audit and actions for upgrades and maintenance. The plan suggests investigating the potential for nine new recreational boating facilities and the removal of three jetties that have reached their end of life as part of the action plan.
The plan covers recreational boating facilities including boat ramps, canoe slides, jetties, pontoons and wharves. Commercial boating activities and infrastructure, such as boat repair and oyster related activities are not part of this recreational boating plan.
“We want to provide a plan that will guide us in the planning for and providing infrastructure that meets the community’s needs for boating activities,” said Manager of Strategy and Projects, Amanda Hatton.
This plan was developed as a recommendation from the MidCoast Open Space and Recreation Strategy 2023 – 2035 and has considered feedback from the community that was provided during this consultation.
Projects in the plan will be funded by future grants which can be applied for by both Council and community groups.
Have your say at https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/midcoast-recreational-boating-infrastructure-plan before Sunday 5 May.