Recreational boating facilities, mostly in regional locations, will be improved following the allocation of $2.73 million in State Government grants.

Minister David Michael
Located from Wyndham to Esperance, seven projects have been successful in securing funding in the latest round of the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) managed by the Department of Transport (DoT).
The majority of the funding ($2.25 million) will be spent on boat ramp upgrades with the City of Rockingham undertaking a refurbishment at Palm Beach West, the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley replacing the Wyndham northern boat ramp, and the DoT improving the Denham boat ramp and jetty.
Boating facility managers can apply to DoT for grants up to 75 per cent of the estimated project cost, with the maximum amount limited to $750,000.
Applications can be made for the planning, construction or upgrade of boat launching ramps, jetties, moorings, and new channels that are directly related to a public boating facility.
Eligible land-based infrastructure at public boating facilities includes trailer parking, toilets, fish cleaning stations, lighting, and signage.
Visit DoT’s website for more information:
Minister Assisting the Transport Minister David Michael said: “Once again, RBFS funding had been keenly sought this year, with a total of 14 eligible applications seeking total grant funding of around $4.86 million.
“Boating is an increasingly popular recreational activity and the funding allocated to plan and upgrade facilities will have big benefits for users, including improved safety and efficiency that will ease ramp waiting times especially during peak periods.
“The RBFS scheme, established in 1998 to assist in the planning and development of public boating facilities including upgrades to existing infrastructure, allows boat owners to directly contribute as it is partly funded from boat registration fees.”
Applicant Successful projects in round 28 Grant
City of Rockingham – Palm Beach West boat ramp upgrade, install new boat ramp and jetty, with improved vehicle turning area, signage, lighting, and universal access paths. $750,000
Department of Transport – Upgrade the existing Denham boat ramp jetty with a new staggered fixed jetty and increase the overall length of the boat ramp. $750,000
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Replace the northern boat ramp at the Wyndham boat launching facility. $746,250
Department of Transport Replace the boat ramp fixed finger jetty at Bandy Creek Boat Harbour, Esperance with a floating pontoon. $303,481
Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Planning study to resolve current tidal and siltation issues at the Derby Recreational and Emergency Sea Rescue Boat Ramps. $104,383
Shire of Ravensthorpe Planning study to assess the suitability of boat launching at Hopetoun main beach, Mason Bay, and Starvation Bay. $45,000
Shire of Murray Planning study at Batavia Quays to provide engineering drawings and a detailed cost estimate for a future boat ramp upgrade. $37,500