The International Federation of Boat Show Organisers (IFBSO) has announced the launch of its new campaign, “Celebrate Boat Shows.” They say, “As the boat show season kicks off around the world, IFBSO is geared up to provide its member shows with the wind in their sails through a tailored social media campaign”.
The “Celebrate Boat Shows” campaign is designed to spotlight and celebrate IFBSO member shows, offering unique Peer (or Pier) Reviews from Boat Show Directors who share their experiences and perspectives of member boat show visits. This content will be shared on IFBSO’s dedicated LinkedIn channel, providing valuable industry content and best practices directly to the leisure marine community.
The global leisure marine industry was estimated to be worth nearly €110bn generated by some 70.000 companies (source: ICOMIA 2019) directly engaged in providing services to boaters, from boat and equipment manufacturing, distribution and sales to services to boaters to support new and used aftermarket parts sales and maintenance of craft. Boat shows play a vital role in this economic activity as they help countless new enthusiasts embrace the boating lifestyle and find their dream vessel.

Anne Dunbar, President of IFBSO
Anne Dunbar, President of IFBSO, expressed her enthusiasm for the campaign, saying, “Boat shows play an instrumental role in the growth, development, and progress of the leisure marine industry. They should be celebrated. We all know that boat shows are the stepping stone for new boaters. And there is no better timing to launch our ‘Celebrate Boat Shows’ campaign than in the year our group celebrates its 60th birthday.”
IFBSO is a global organisation dedicated to promoting and supporting the growth of boat show attendance worldwide. IFBSO places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion within the leisure marine industry, ensuring that boat shows remain a welcoming and accessible platform for enthusiasts of all backgrounds.
As IFBSO celebrates its 60th anniversary, the organisation with its 34 members representing 28 boat shows remains committed to fostering innovation and collaboration within the marine community.
For more information, visit
Stay connected with IFBSO and join the celebration by following the “Celebrate Boat Shows” campaign on IFBSO’s LinkedIn channel. The campaign promises to bring together industry experts, boat show enthusiasts, and newcomers alike to celebrate the magic of boat shows.