Breaking News:

World’s Oceans Reach Alarming New Temperature Levels

Ocean warming made global headlines recently with a new temperature record set for the world’s oceans in July.

Sea surface temperature forecast maps (photo: BOM)

On the east coast of Australia the situation is no different, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting our ocean temperatures will average about 1.5 to 2 degrees warmer in coming months.

We are undertaking a range of projects to prepare for climate change as part of the Planning for Climate Change Initiative. These include mapping and monitoring to detect impacts, research and modelling to understand and predict impacts and works to increase blue carbon storage and sequestration.

Check out some of the ways MEMS teams are working to better understand and prepare us for climate change on the NSW coast:

More information about how climate change is impacting our oceans and coasts and examples of different ways to adapt can be found on the Adapt NSW website.

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