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Rescue & Services

Emergency Services Chiefs Visit Volunteer Marine Rescue Kangaroo Island

The Kangaroo Island Flotilla of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard were pleased to host Senior Emergency Services representatives at their facility today.

On ‘the Island’ as part of Government’s Country Cabinet, the Flotilla were pleased to welcome SES Chief Officer Chris Beattie, CFS Chief Officer Brett Loughlin, SAFECOM  A/CE Mark Stratton and VMR Manager Darryl Wright to view their new Nautic Star ‘state-of-the-art’ rescue boat, complementary small RHIB capability and facility in Kingscote, and of course to have a chat about topical issues.

It was great that they could set aside time to visit and take in just how proud the Flotilla are, and how far they’ve come since humble beginnings just over 20 years ago.

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