It’s a veritable octopuses garden down at Port Coogee Marina, WA, where a recent fish diversity study revealed 71 finfish species, including 13 not previously recorded in the inaugural 2019 survey.
The interim results of the March 2022 survey recorded a wide variety of fish and non-fish fauna including a school of juvenile WA salmon, an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, a Star Octopus, a Giant Australian Cuttlefish and five species of Seastars.

WA Salmon Arripis truttaceus swimming at Port Coogee Marina in March 2022. Pic – Aqua Research and Montoring Services
The observations are further evidence the marina is a haven for sea life of all kinds and follows the sighting of a juvenile Loggerhead Sea Turtle by a marina team member last June.

Australian Seahorse at Port Coogee Marina in March 2022. Pic – Aqua Research and Monitoring Services
Mayor Logan Howlett said the results showed the City’s internationally accredited marina was providing a healthy environment where sea life was thriving.
“Almost 100 species of finfish have been photographed at Port Coogee Marina as part of fish diversity surveys in 2019 and now 2022,” Mayor Howlett said.
“Our marina received an International Clean Marina Accreditation Level 3 through the Marina Industries Association in 2018 and over the years a wide range of ocean species have paid our marina a visit.
“We have regular visits from Australian Sea Lions and dolphins and excitingly, a Green Turtle, an Albacore tuna and even a swordfish has thrilled onlookers.
“Our marina is also the site of WA’s first Seabin. Installed in January 2019, this floating bin captures all manner of rubbish, including microplastics.
“Last year Bob the Seabin captured 400grams of microplastics which is good news for the local marine life.”
Scuba surveys were conducted on six days and one night between 14 and 27 March in 2022 by Aqua Research and Monitoring Services, adding to its previous observations.
The first survey completed in 2019 recorded a total of 85 finfish species from 47 families, along with other marine species including dolphins, sea stars, mussels and nudibranchs.
For more information visit,-Beaches-and-Wetlands/PortCoogeeMarina
By City of Cockburn