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REMINDER: Coxswain 3 introduction; make sure your business is ready

Organisations operating vessels as part of their business (not those for sale) are reminded that the new AMSA Marine Order 505 Certificates of Competency will be introduced from 1 January 2023 with a new Coxswain Grade 3 certificate replacing the current Exemption 38 arrangements.

This is of relevance to organisations operating workboats, marina tenders and similar vessels used in the boating industry, where the vessel is less than 12m in length.

Important information for operators, managers and crew of workboats, marina tenders and similar vessels

AMSA Coxswain Grade 3

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has introduced a new Certificate of Competency and accompanying eligibility criteria for Coxswain Grade 3; this will be the lowest grade of commercial vessel qualification available for the skipper of a domestic commercial vessel (DCV). This includes all workboats, marina tenders and similar vessels operating in the boating industry where the vessel is less than 12m.

This new certificate comes into effect from 1 January 2023 and replaces the current Exemption 38 (Low complexity duties) arrangements. Details of the new certificate are available here.

The Coxswain 3 provides basic seamanship knowledge and skills, permitting the certificate holder to operate small domestic commercial vessels in smooth waters or close to shore. Coxswain 3 certificate holders are required to acquire job specific training and skills in accordance with their organisation’s Safety Management Systems (SMS), in addition to meeting the eligibility criteria for the certificate.

Importantly, a person who meets the eligibility criteria for the Coxswain 3 may operate a suitable vessel without having to apply for a Coxswain 3 Certificate of Competency; once the eligibility criteria has been satisfied, applying for a Coxswain 3 certificate is optional.

Transition period

To support introduction of this new certificate, AMSA has advised that there will be a 12-month transition period following the commencement of the new Marine Order 505 qualifications regime from 1 January 2023. The transition will apply to three specific qualifications, including Coxswain 3.

The transition period is available to support holders of a current DCV qualification comply with the new Coxswain 3 medical, first aid training, and practical training or competency declaration requirements.

How to prepare your business

Industry members need to assess which members of staff will require a Coxswain 3. Consider that this will include anyone who uses a DCV at any point as part of their work role.

First check and confirm that all staff have a valid recreational boat licence.

Then determine whether they will need to operate the tender/workboat not exclusively within a marina basin, mooring field, inland or smooth waters, or more than 1nm from the shore or other “parent vessel” location. Full details of the duties and functions a Coxswain 3 may perform are at page 7 of the MO505 Guidelines.

If yes, you will need to arrange for your staff to:

  • Complete training delivered by the MAR Maritime Training Package, and
  • obtain a medical fitness certificate, and
  • undertake a first aid training course equivalent to at least HLTAID011 Provide first aid

Details of training providers in each state are available here.

If no – which is expected to the majority of instances – then you have a couple of options:

In both instances, your staff will also need to obtain a medical fitness certificate.

How do I make use of the transition period?

It is important to note that anyone without a formal DCV qualification as of 1 January will be required to obtain a Coxswain 3 certificate (or comply with the eligibility criteria for such) from the commencement date of MO505 (1 January 2023), with no transition available.

To benefit from the transition period, you will need to ensure all your staff have an Exemption 38 qualification; this will mean they have a valid DCV qualification to continue operating while they work through the processes outlined above to obtain a Coxswain 3.

To obtain an Exemption 38, your staff are required to hold:

  • a recreational boat licence, and
  • a BIA Marine Card.

If they do not yet hold a Marine Card, you may register for the card and training here.