Upcoming Regional Members’ Meeting in Fremantle, WA
The next regional members’ meeting and networking forum will be held at Fremantle Sailing Club (FSC) in Western Australia, on Thursday November 24 from 3:30pm – 6:15pm.
Craig Evans CEO of the FSC welcomes anyone who would like a site tour of the Club’s extensive facilities to arrive at 2.30pm.
WA members’ meeting:
Thursday 24th of November from 3:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Fremantle Sailing Club, 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160
To register your attendance for the meeting email .
MIA has a new home
The sale of the BIA premises means we have a new home. It is a lovely, bright office, a little further towards North Sydney. While our mail will be redirected for the next few months, please update our contact details as follows;
Marina Industries Association
Suite 202, 349 Pacific Highway, North Sydney 2060
PO BOX 724, Crows Nest 1585
Ph: 02 9439 5806

The MIA team in the new office, with a few boxes to unpack…
The MIA 2022 Member Supplier Guide is out now.
Refer to the supplier guide for all your marina needs, whether it be for marina planning and design, fuelling, legal services, marina management software and more.
Click here to download the Supplier GuideAn online Marina Supplier Guide is currently under development – it will be brought to you as soon as possible.
Protect marinas from marine pests
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has developed collateral for marinas identify and build awareness of marine pests for customers and staff.
Marine pests must be reported to the department of agriculture or primary industries in the state or territory in which they are found. It is critical that authorities are notified as soon as possible to have the best chance of containing the pest. Remember, if you see a suspected marine pest, report it.
You can find information and relevant contact details for reporting suspected marine pests at marinepests.gov.au/report.
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry encourages marina operators to participate in the International Clean Marina and Fish Friendly programs administered by the MIA.
Click here to download fact sheetEnter now for the Nautilus Marine Insurance 2023 Marina of the Year Awards
Marinas and marine businesses are invited to enter the biennial Nautilus Marine Insurance Marina of the Year Awards (MOTYA).
MOTYA recognises excellence and leadership in the marina industry and presents important benchmarks for the industry and wider community. The prestigious awards provide finalists and winners with exceptional promotional and marketing opportunities.
Entries close on 10 February, 2023, with the award submissions closing on 15 March, 2023. The winners will be announced at the awards dinner at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia on 23 May, 2023.
For more information on the MOTYA, click here.
To download the entry form click here.
Snug Cove precinct development – expressions of interest
The NSW Government has taken another key step towards its goal of transforming the Port of Eden into a major destination for tourist and commercial boaters on the south coast of NSW.
The NSW Government has recently launched a market engagement ahead of calling for an Expression of Interest (EOI) to deliver and operate a mixed-use marina development within the Snug Cove Maritime Precinct in the Port of Eden.
The purpose of the market engagement is to alert potential participants about the forthcoming opportunity, assess the best delivery model and contracting strategy, encourage competition and assess market sustainability. We are seeking interested parties to register their business to receive further information and engagement.
For more information, please refer to the following links: NSW Government E-Tender and Snug Cove Maritime Precinct.
To register your interest in the market engagement, please email .
Welcome aboard to our new Administration & Communications Assistant
In September, Greta Quealy joined the MIA team as Administration & Communications Assistant.
Greta brings a thorough understanding of the boating world to this role, having sailed since childhood. She is a keen dinghy sailor and also participates in offshore races, including the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.
Previously, Greta worked at EastSail, a Sydney-based yacht charter company and sailing school and, more recently, edited the online sailing news publication MySailing.
Please extend her a warm welcome.
If you have a general enquiry, Greta is your first port of call. You can contact her at .