The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is undertaking major refurbishment works on the Old Murray Bridge.
As the first major bridge spanning the Murray River in South Australia, Old Murray Bridge is a significant State Heritage structure, and requires refurbishment to maintain its long-term structural integrity. This South Australian Government funded project will increase its life span by an estimated 30 years.
To safely facilitate works over water, significant scaffolding structures will be erected underneath the bridge. This will require the temporary re-direction of navigation lanes underneath the bridge and the creation of a temporary work zone with restricted access for all users, including powered, non-powered and water activities from 25 July 2022 to 31 March 2023, weather permitting.
Safe passage for recreational and commercial vessel operators will be maintained at all times, through a temporary navigation channel.
Temporary channels, restricted access work zones and speed limits will be indicated through:
- marine signage;
- channel markers; and
- buoy lines.
Environmental controls will be implemented to ensure there is no impact to the Murray River.
Some noise disturbance can be expected at times while these works are completed, however the works will be managed to minimise disturbance to nearby residents and businesses, as much as practically possible.
The Department appreciates your co-operation and patience while these important works are undertaken.
Please see details below to register for closure and project updates:
- call 1300 794 880
- visit
- scan the QR code

Concept design of re-direction of navigation channel, works from 25 July 2022 to 31 March 2023, weather permitting (concept design for illustration purposes only)

Cross section of re-direction of navigation channel, works from 25 July 2022 to 31 March 2023, weather permitting (concept design for illustration purposes only)