NSW Government are calling for any primary school teachers who are looking for new ways to teach Geography (HSIE) and Science in their classrooms.
Marine Estate Agents pilot is a new primary school educational program based around the features of the NSW marine estate.
It includes innovative classroom resources and lesson plans in Geography and Science, emphasising sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures and Histories.
DPI Fisheries Manager Chantelle Burns is part of the team that has developed the Marine Estate Agents primary program.
She said the pilot program was an opportunity for schools to learn more about the marine estate and its beaches, estuaries and coastal lagoons.
“Children have a natural curiosity in learning more about their environment. This program will help students explore our marine estate, with topics ranging from marine creatures and their habitats, to fishing fun and Aboriginal connection to Sea Country.”
She said she was hoping to gain feedback from teachers involved in the pilot program to improve what was offered.
“We want to know what activities work and what activities could be improved, so we can build a stronger program,” she said.
Registrations are open now for Marine Estate Agents pilot primary school program.
For more information or to register to participate in term 2 your interest contact Chantelle Burns,
The Marine Estate Agent primary school education program is funded by the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.